大阪燃气在泰国成立太阳能合资公司 |
2019-07-09 来源:中国石化新闻网 |
中国石化新闻网讯据可再生能源网站7月8日报道,日本大阪天然气公司新加坡分公司已与总部位于曼谷的Energy Pro Corp公司达成协议,成立一家合资企业(JV),将在泰国太阳能发电市场开展业务。
新公司暂时命名为OE Solar Co.,主要在泰国首都安装屋顶和地面光伏(PV)阵列。大阪燃气周三表示,其主要客户将是工商企业。太阳能电池板的安装将不需要预付任何费用,而电力将根据与OE太阳能的承购协议供应15-20年。
新公司计划于7月31日成立,Energy Pro和大阪天然气新加坡公司分别持有51%和49%的股份。合资公司的活动将补充大阪天然气集团在海外拓展能源业务的目标(大阪燃气集团是Daigas 集团的核心企业之一),并将东南亚列为其主要增长地区名单的首位。Daigas集团的目标是到2030年拥有1千兆瓦的可再生能源。
Osaka Gas to set up solar JV in Thailand
The Singaporean arm of Japan’s Osaka Gas Co (TYO:9532) has agreed with Bangkok-based Energy Pro Corp to form a joint venture (JV) that will operate on the solar power market in Thailand.
The new entity, provisionally named OE Solar Co, will install rooftop and ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) arrays, mainly in the Thai capital. Its major clients will be industrial and commercial parties, Osaka Gas said on Wednesday.
The solar panels will be installed at no upfront costs, while the electricity will be supplied under offtake deals with OE Solar for 15-20 years.
The new company is scheduled to be established on July 31, with Energy Pro and Osaka Gas Singapore holding 51% and 49% stakes, respectively. The JV’s activities will complement the goal of Daigas Group, a group brand of Osaka Gas, to expand its energy business overseas and put Southeast Asia at the top of its key growth regions list. The Daigas Group’s target is to have 1 GW of renewables by 2030.